3 Weeks into Teaching

Posted by on September 21, 2012

I’m writing this sat in the shade of a coconut tree, watching the sun drop behind the mountain range that surrounds most of Sand Creek. No, really. Jelly much?

It’s Friday evening and I’m relaxing at the end of my third week teaching at Sand Creek Secondary School. I’m settling into the role nicely and really starting to have a lot of fun with it.

Harry and I are making lots of good friends in the village also. As well as the two other teachers Samantha and Abigail, and our HM Kit, we’ve got talking to numerous locals and are making useful connections.* We’ve already tried our hands at archery and horse riding, and we’ve got another 11 months here!

Yesterday and today were sports days for Sand Creek, involving both the primary and secondary school. Harry and I staffed House A with Miss Samantha and Miss Abigail staffing House B. House A maintained a comfortable lead from the very first event, however sadly fell behind in the closing hour and lost with 518 points to 533. The sports days were a lot of fun, and I even enjoyed the training routine… rising at 4:30am every day for two weeks (including the weekends!) to train for track and field events until 6:30am, and then further training after lunch for another 2 hours every afternoon. Oh, and then more training from after dinner until dark!

I’ll be uploading this post as soon as we travel to Lethem to go shopping, as they have Internet access, which Sand Creek does not… yet. They used to be connected, and are hoping to be reconnected some time, but it’s been off for about 9 months now.

* If by chance you happen to be a PT volunteer heading to Sand Creek, Harry and I are going to put together a list if the useful people to speak to and leave it in the apartment or leave it with with Chris.

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