Tagged With: photos
TG#35 – Get Burried Up To My Neck
Christmas in Tobago (Photos)
For Christmas 2012 all 22 volunteers holidayed together on the Caribbean island of Tobago. The week turned out to be pretty fantastic.
Guyana Nightlife
All 20 of the volunteers in Georgetown at the moment went out tonight to find some nightlife in Guyana. Sheriff’s Bar down the road were happy to welcome us!
TG#42 – Grow a Ginger Beard
Keep your eyes on the beard…
Photos of Sand Creek Secondary School
Left to right: the student dorms, the school, and the teacher’s quarters*. * Harry and I share the third apartment along from the left.
Today was my birthday, and a pretty awesome birthday it turned out to be. The day started with opening the half a dozen cards my family gave me before I left the UK – very emotional, but a very nice start to the day.
Inter-School Sports
I am happy to announce Sand Creek have WON the South Central Inter-School Sports Contest! First place, for the second year running – very pleased!
TG #16 – Wash in a River
As we’ve had no running water for the last 2-and-a-bit weeks, washing in the creek is actually my only real option. Still, was a good chance for some embarrassing photos:
U Jelly?
I’m writing this as I lie in a hammock, strung up in the shade between two trees, listening to the creek calmly running by. I’ve got a very fresh drink of coconut water (they just chop the top off a fresh coconut and stick a straw in), for once the insects are leaving me alone, … Continue reading