Traveller’s Guide to Guyana
TG#42 – Grow a Ginger Beard
Keep your eyes on the beard…
TG#41 – Gangnam Style! (Update Again)
Presenting… the staff entry for the Christmas concert! (Skip to about 1:45 for the good stuff)
TG#19 – Sample Some Demerera Rum
As many of my friends will know, I stopped drinking alcohol before I left for my gap year for personal reasons. Since then I have stuck to this decision and intend to continue to do so, so I was reasonably certain this item from the Traveller’s Guide would never be crossed off.
TG#40 – Gaff
I spent all of last night just lying in a hammock talking with Gary (an ex-PTV visiting Shulinab) about more or less everything. When I say “spent all of last night” I mean I got into my hammock about 9 in the evening, and then at about 6 this morning abandoned any plans if getting … Continue reading
TG #16 – Wash in a River
As we’ve had no running water for the last 2-and-a-bit weeks, washing in the creek is actually my only real option. Still, was a good chance for some embarrassing photos:
TG#41 – Gangnam Style! (Update)
Sadly no photos as it’s pitch black, but Harry and I just lead a very public, very loud performance of Gangnam Style, accompanied by about 40 students. Epic WIN!
TG #26 – Fall Out of a Hammock
No photo for this one, but at about 10 last night* I woke up when my knee collided with the concrete of my bedroom floor. Funny now, but didn’t half hurt at the time!
TG #27 – Get Lost
Yesterday at about 3pm Harry and I got into a Jeep headed to Lethem to send emails, upload blog posts, sort out UCAS and buy a load of stuff. After 6+ hours on the back of the Jeep, we’d stopped to sling hammocks in Gawd-Knows-Where because we were thoroughly lost in the Savannah and it … Continue reading
TG #4 – Organise a Cricket or Football Game with the Students
Easy peasy…