Current Score: 41/43 Read more
So, it’s the 19th of August 2013 and I’ve been back in the UK for about a week now. The gap year is officially over, and this will most likely be one of my last posts (I’ll probably write at least one more about debriefing next week). Updates to this blog will stop but I’ll keep it online indefinitely, as I hope one day it may be useful to future Project Trust volunteers, or indeed anyone else who can gleam some benefit from these pages* (in fact that’s part of the reason I made an effort to keep updating it).
So, reflections on a year in Guyana volunteering with Project Trust… Read more
TG#20 – Extreme Ironing (Photo 2)

Taking these photos was both very good fun and quite painful at times!
- Well, this ends well.
- And so does this.
- I think I’m going down….
- ….no wait, I got this….
- ….yup, down.
- “That’s enough now, right?”
Adventure Update #6: Uyuni
Our final Bolivia excursion was a 3-day/2-night tour of Salar de Uyuni (the largest salt flat in the world) and the surrounding areas.
I’ll be writing this post as I go along,however I suspect I won’t write too much – Uyuni is a place where pictures are worth way more than the standard thousand words. Read more
New Header Images
You might notice that the boring stock photo at the top of the page has now gone, to be replaced by a photo from my gap year! There are about a dozen different photos randomly rotating in the space ↑up there↑ – refresh the page to see another one.
I will be adding more photos now and then, but unfortunately it takes a while to do each one with the slow Bolivian Internet.
Adventure Update #5: Copacabana
I’ve heard that it’s the hottest spot north of Havana, but unfortunately the Copacabana that Harry and I visited this weekend was incredibly cold! It’s hard to believe that I was seeing frozen car windows and frost on the ground when barely a week ago I was lounging topless on the sundeck of a boat. Read more
TG#22 – Eat Something Bizarre/Unpleasant
So far this year I have eaten:
- Curried water turtle – very nice
- Roasted chicken foot (that’s foot, not leg) – not very nice
- Fried chicken neck – even worse
- Buruup (iced and pulped fruit, mixed with farine) – quite nice
- Chocoate pizza – delicious, and very bizarre
How to Annoy Border Police
TG#7 – At Least Three Planking Photos
It’s finished! I got three photos from three different countries:
Photo 1 – School Name, Sand Creek, Guyana
Photo 2 – Teatro Amazonas, Manaus, Brazil
Photo 3 – Isla del Sol, Copacabana, Bolivia
TG#7 – Planking (Photo 3)
Planking on the Isla del Sol, an island in Lake Titicaca (Copacabana, Bolivia):